Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Indian Mud Pots

These are some Indian Mud Pots and Stuff that are used by the people for different purposes.
The Devil Mask
This Mask is placed on the House facing the entrance so that no evil power can enter the home.Indian's Feel that this mask prevents negative energy to enter their home and protects them.
Big Water Pot.
This is used for storing the water to drink.This pot settles all the impurity of the water at the bottom and keeps the water cool.
Small Pot
Oval Shaped Pot
Designer Pot

Flower Vask
Flower Pot
Baking Unit
This is used to bake the Indian Flat Bread i.e. "Chapati" made of wheat Flour Dough.

These small cups are used for burning the cotton wet with Coco Milk.
Body Scrubbers
These pots are used for Tea and milk.
Mud Piggy Banks
These are Mud Piggy Banks used to collect coins and notes.
Small Containers
These are used for keeping dry stuff like tea,sugar,cardamom etc.
Pot Shop
Colorful Pots.
These Pots are used in Weddings and are placed at homes after wedding also.


. intemporal . said...

. fantastics artfacts .

. i love your blog . very very much .

. congratulations .

. !!! .

. best regards, dear friend .

. ever and forever .

Tinsie said...

Very interesting post! But... body scrubbers? Those things look scary!!!!

ShySongbird said...

I love pots so this was a lovely post for me, beautiful photos and such interesting facts!

Lois said...

All of them are so lovely! I like the colors.

Diane AZ said...

Nice post! I enjoy looking at the shapes and colors and learning the various uses for the pottery.

Helen said...

Lovely and useful objects. The explanations of the use of them was very interesting. Helen

James said...

Great stuff and very interesting.


Hello, Bathar!
Lovely and useful objects! And your explanation is very interesting. Your blog is the Paradise! I love it!
Best wishes and a special smile, Renata Cordeiro

Prospero said...

I love the smell of cardamom. That piggy bank is pretty hip.

Anonymous said...

I like the looks of the pots. Nice shapes.

Thanks for visiting my blog and for commenting about the squirrel.

Olivier said...

le masque est tres beau et j'aime l'accompagnement musical.

Cristina Fernandes said...

Thank you for your visit, I love your blogue.
Best Regards

brattcat said...

What a great tour of the different pots. I learned so much. Thank you. And thank you for your visits and comments.

Anonymous said...

Os artefatos são fantásticos!
Muito bonitos!
Gostei do primeiro objeto. É enigmático!

Beijos, Unseen,
Um ótimo dia para você!

amatamari© said...

Just today I talked about the cooking chapati!
Here in Italy eat a similar bread but is not used butter
but oil ...
Thanks, a beautiful series of photographs!

Thanks, I am honored for that your recognition!

Lynn said...

Thank you for the interesting photos. The devil mask is quite frightening looking - I can see why no evil power would want to enter.

Salomé Mello said...

Wonderful being in India with you!

See you!

Tammie Lee said...

I love containers. You have shown some wonderful pots. Thanks for taking the time to share what each one is for!

Lisa said...

I love pots! They are the few hand-mades left of this world.

Julie said...

very interesting photos. so traditional and i enjoyed the music also.

TALON said...

The craftmanship of all the pottery is fantastic!

That Devil Mask is scary!!

Anonymous said...

Truly outstanding images man. even I can find my name there :)

claude said...

Yes, very interesting post. I like garden pots. I do not think you can save some cool water in it.
I have a few old post which the people preserved some food in salt in.

Regina said...

The mask looks scary.
The pot are very interesting. it still useful even today.
Great finds and post Bharat.

Kcalpesh said...

Although the first one's scary, this is simply a beautiful ART.

- Pixellicious Photos

Abatevintage said...

I love your Indian mud post they are beautiful. What a wonderful blog.


Clytie said...

Thank you for showing these delightful Indian Mud Pots. I think I totally fell in love with them all. One question, though, on the photo where you say the pot is for "burning the cotton wet with coco milk". Is this for ritual? Or just to have a nice scent in the air?

cherie said...

these are awesome pictures, bharat! ~~~i'm over here because you honored me with a visit! now i am one blogsite wiser! i will link yours to mine!

Thérèse said...

Interesting "body scrubbers" I am not sure I would like to try them on me!!

Salitype said...

wow! that quite a collections of pots. very nice post, love it!

the body scrubbers looks kinds tough for the skin..

Nina said...

Such beautiful pots. I am in awe, not only for their beauty, but for their uses. Thank you for your enlightenment. Love and Light, Nina P

Arkansas Patti said...

I am returning your welcome visit to my blog and am so glad to have found you.
I have checked out several of your past posts and find them facinating and very informative about a culture I know so little about.
I will be back to learn more. Thank you for your kind comments.

Rush said...

love the pots...the devil mask is again made with mud??

dude, u have to tell me how they make veggie burgers in India...i soooo miss me if u can!!

RNSANE said...

I was blessed to visit India twelve years ago and am making what will probably be my final visit in November, for 23 days. I have so many wonderful friends, crew members who work for Royal Caribbean - so I will not need hotels this time around. Your country, its people and culture, the food, and films, festivals - are all so wonderful...and I am delighted I came upon your beautiful blog!!! Your work is spectacular and like a visit to your country.

Pietro Brosio said...

Very interesting pots of different shapes and colors. Nice shots!

Kilauea Poetry said...

This is really cool. I like how you've taken these vessals for everyday use and shared it with us.
Thanks for stopping by with the B.Day wishes too! Hope you have a great day-

Maude Lynn said...

I may have to get one of those Devil Masks!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Raj: That was a nice job in capturing all the clay workings.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

WOW! What an interesting collection of pots. And thank yo for the award. :-D

They are all interesting. I love the pile at the bottom with the woman in it.

Joy said...

I'm so pleased you visited my blog and that I now know about yours. Thank you for sharing the beauty of your country. It's wonderful to see it thru your eyes.
God Bless,


Serena Flor said...

My friend,
has a stamp for you in my gallery of stamps.
the stamp is the “Meritum”.
One I hug and until more.

Carmem Dalmazo said...

A cultura Indiana assim como sua arte são magníficas!...
Tuas fotos são excelentes...


sm said...

very interesting post
thanks for the pics

Deb Murphree/Alabama Politics said...

Those are beautiful pots!! Very unique. Thanks for visiting my post :)

♥ Braja said...

I love these pots wherever I see them and of course have heaps myself...:)

SandyCarlson said...

These are wonderful pots. Great photos, too. Thanks.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, Beautiful pots... WOW--someone is very creative. I'd love the Flower one--to put my roses in... Gorgeous.

Susie said...

You have a very nice blog. I enjoyed scrolling down thru your post. Thanks for visiting mine and leaving your sweet comments.

Urmi said...

आपकी टिपण्णी के लिए बहुत बहुत शुक्रिया! मुझे तो इस बात पर आश्चर्य लग रहा है आखिर मुझ पर ऐसा घिनौना इल्ज़ाम क्यूँ लगाया गया? मैं भला अपना नाम बदलकर किसी और नाम से क्यूँ टिपण्णी देने लगूं? खैर जब मैंने कुछ ग़लत किया ही नहीं तो फिर इस बारे में और बात न ही करूँ तो बेहतर है! आप लोगों का प्यार, विश्वास और आशीर्वाद सदा बना रहे यही चाहती हूँ!
Wonderful post with beautiful description and marvellous photos of various types of pots. Its very interesting to know so many different types of things of our country and I appreciate for all your lovely and informative posts.

yyam said...

Those body scrubbers look really heavy!

So many interesting pots...I like the idea of a mask at the doorway for protection.

Maria said...

Clay ~ the work of human hands... Thank you for visiting me too!
Your websites get more and more beautiful!
All the best as you seek The Best ~ Maria

George said...

What an interesting collection of mud pots. Thanks for showing them and telling us the uses for each of the different varieties.

Small City Scenes said...

The pots are beautiful. MB

NR said...

Lovely...Rajasthan has a rich culture...i know the fact that water stored in these pots really remain cool. I liked your blog.

Shell Sherree said...

I hadn't realised how many different kinds of mud pots there are ~ one for nearly every kind of purpose! Wonderful!

Sofia Carvalho said...

Obrigada por partilhares também um pouco da tua cultura! Excelentes fotos! parabéns!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great post. I love the mask and all pots. I learned a little bit.

Thanks for visiting.

penny said...

They are beautiful pieces of art.

Everson Russo said...

Beautiful your blog, good weekend to you...


neide said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
neide said...

What good my dear friend have you show us that culture so interesting. I travel through the readings and images. They are beautiful.

Good weekend. Stay with God.


Lara said...

pure art!

Carver said...

The pots are beautiful. Great post.


My friend, thanks for you visit in my blog and sharing the amazing photos.

have a nice weekend


Hi, Bathar!
Have already seen your beautiful post et loved the "devil mask". Pay attention!
Have a nice week kend!
Sending smiles ank kisses,
Renata Cordeiro

Hilary said...

These are wonderful. I love the various pots. Clay helps give the earthy feel to a home.

Anonymous said...

Oh I always look forward to one of your new posts; the photos are so rich. One day, when I have lots of spare change, I will take one of your tours.

Did you see them throw the pots, I wonder. It fascinating to see something come out of nothing.

Friko said...

simply fascinating!
How I wish I could be there and see them for myself!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the water pots are very cool. I used to drink water from that kind. Thanks for the visit.

Agulheta said...

Hello Bharat! It's funny the power of the mask at the entrance to the pots porta.Quanto beautiful in its forms and traditions, I admire the clay, and is to carry the water purity of life better.
Thank you for visiting the blog and let peace and friendship Lisa

Elisabeth's bright side said...

Thanks for an interesting article and great photos to illustrate.

Laurie Allee said...

Wow, what beautiful pottery.

Nutty Gnome said...

Hi. I wandered into your blog from elsewhere (but I've lost track of where I was!). I'm really glad I found you though because it was a trip down memory lane for me!

23 years ago I spent a year travelling round Asia in a Land Rover and we spent a lot of time in Rajasthan. In fact, we went to every place in your blog posts so it was lovely to see them again and have all those memories come flooding back :)

Thank you so much!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Enjoyed learning about the pots and various things they can be used for. The devil mask is interesting. In the US we have different charms and things that people feel bring luck or ward off bad luck from their homes. I have a horse shoe above my door to bring good luck;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting.

The pottery had so many different shapes yet some wouldn't have been out of place 100s of years ago as their function is still the same. Lovely thank you.

Lowell said...

What a fascinating post. Again, I learn so much from you. The mask is beautiful (well, sort of) - can't imagine it keeps out evil spirits, but maybe if you really believe...

And the pots...what a delightful conglomeration.

Thanks for sharing!

kc said...

hi my new fren!!
thanks for your visit to my blog..

those pots are so interesting!!
only today i know that they had so many uses!!
thanks for introducing the pots!!

Ayie said...

those are good clay pots

i invite you to visit jif photojournal, my main blog

Mo said...

What wonderful posts. I hope they continue to use them in your area. I understand that some places have switched to plastic and that has now become an environmental problem

Elizabeth Bradley said...

My husband travels for business and I collect masks from all over the world. It just dawned on me, I don't have one from India. Thanks for sharing it's always a treat to visit your blog!

Anya said...

Funny mask :))))))
Great art post !!

Unknown said...

Grateful for the visit, very much like your blog, my husband is Goan, natural Riband - Goa.

Ana Martins

EcoRover said...

Neat! With modern packaging, we forgot just how ubiquitous (and practical. and sustainable.) good old clay was.

Ebb Tide said...

Thanks for dropping by my art blog. I like your new post. Collecting different pots was one of my hobbies before. I passed my collections for others to enjoy.

:.tossan® said...

Beautiful photographic report of that magnificent artye of the ceramic. Congratulations .

Unknown said...

Interesting photos. They look very practical, as well as nicely hand crafted.

Carletta said...

Nice artwork!
Thanks for your visit.

William said...

For body scrubbing? OUCH!

valeria said...

I would go maaaaad! I'd love to get some of these vases!

Sonia Schmorantz said...

Suas imagens são muito bonitos, e o mais bonito é que estes artefatos tem sua história.
Um abraço,bom final de semana

One of my Hobby Blogs said...

hi Raj, this is a great blog, your pics are fantastic, obviously of your culture and they are really interesting... thanks for visiting and I will def be visiting you again toO! looking forward to some more of your snaps!

Leo Mandoki, Jr. said...

intersting!...sometimes i think that i need a mud pot in my life...i like your pics, tipical and cultural pics about india. Congratulations!

Joyce said...

Thanks for visitng my blog. Your photos are amazing and so colorful and interesting. I was looking back at your past posts and your blog is wonderful. My husband was just in India and did bring photos of the Monkey Temple etc. I will look in at your blog again. Thanks for sharing.

SmilingSally said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. This post is interesting.

2 Dogs said...

Thanks for stopping by to visit me. I'm resting up after my surgery.

Your photos are very interesting!!

Barb said...

Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog.

The pots are amazing. I have to say that the body scrubbers look a little intimidating.

Have a wonderful weekend.


as arteiras said...

beautiful workmanship. thanks for the visit
good weekend!
As arteiras

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Bharat:)

Lovely display of Indian pots. Very informative narration.

Have a nice day:)

Desnuda said...

Interesting and fantastic objects! My daughter has a similar mask. Brought from India.Congratulations your posts are beautiful!

joo said...

I just adore them, and I love the music!

robert said...

With more than 100 comments, one may only imagen the 'power' pots do have of bringing people and their thoughts together - leaving us many times being clay, which is formed with hands of a higher power.
A nice formed new week for you!

Margaret said...

I really enjoyed reading about the different uses for those beautiful pots. Fascinating.

Lucy Corrander said...

At first I thought the mask looks so fearful it is no surprise evil spirits will not want to pass by it. Then, I decided it looks quite interesting rather than scary. Lovely colours.

What a really good idea to show all these pots and tell of their uses. Someone once gave me an unglazed beaker she had brought back from an Indian train. Other people were breaking theirs so they could be made into new ones. I treasured mine until it fell into dust.

I don't usually like music on blogs - but this is an exception. When I lived in London, I used to borrow Indian and Bengali music from the library van when it came round - listening to the music here made me feel nostalgic for life past.


Ane said...

Objects very interesting!
Thanks pela visita!

Tes said...

Oh wow, what lovely items! Would love to own one of those stubby pots -very artsy!

Inês said...

Thank´s for the comment!

Wellcome to my place!!!

B SQUARED said...

That's an awful lot of pots for an Indian home.

divsi said...

nice post bharat:) kullad n chakla are so coool:) n guess wat the market has heavvvy demand for earthen luk crockery! we re gettin bac to healthy livin!

@ tinsie: body scrubers sure luk scary coz they arent soft like sponge or synthetic scrubs but they work wonders! Esp in foot care!

life ramblings said...

great collection of pots and informative post.

thanks for visiting. :)

Brigitte said...

Je trouve les body scrubers absolument terrifiants ! ouille ouille ouille !
ces terres cuites sont magnifiques !

magiceye said...

wonderful pictorial collection!

Sunita Mohan said...

Very interesting! Its amazing what a variety of terracotta items are made in Rajasthan.
I was a bit surprised though, to see that you use coconut oil in the diyas / deepak. Was it the same in olden days too?

Emiliane said...

Merci pour votre gentille visite sur mon blog .. le vôtre paraît très intéressant, j'y reviendrai avec plaisir.
Bonne journée et à bientôt ..

Vivian said...

...olá menino!!

adoro trabalhos e artes
com argila.
ficam naturais e encantam!

obrigada pelas visitas
lá em casa!

beijos brasileiros, pra você!

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Caro amigo, belas fotos que retraram uma das belas artes Idianas...Espectacular....
Um abraço

FOTOS-SUSY said...



♥ ♥ Eu said...

Very interesting, I liked to know a little
about Indian culture.

Anonymous said...


marie said...

I'm very proud with your words...
I thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

very interesting work. thank you for your visit and kind comments

fufu said...

wow nice!!! i wish to make my own pot or vast for my future dream house :)

Quint said...

First of all allow me to say it was nice seeing you not only visiting my blog, but also linking yourself as a follower.
I will certainly place you on my "must visit" link blogs.

I was checking your blog and I must say it is very interesting, not only due to the photos you publish but also because the explanations you provide us.
Keep up the good work.

foongpc said...

That devil mask looks scary! It will stop me from entering the home too! LOL!

Wow! So many types of pots! Interesting! : )

Roadartist said...

Hello!! Very interesting blog..
Thank you a lot for your visit!

Anonymous said...

Very cool photos, objects and information. The work in ceramics are also very beautiful!
Oh, and the music, much like the music of your country that I have several cds!
Good week!

Anonymous said...

That devil mask is pretty interesting and the folk song --- magical!

Lis said...

Very interesting pictures.
Thank you for your visit to my blog.

I love your blog.


Vagabonde said...

This is a great collections of beautiful pots – so pretty and yet so useful.

desihabits said...

Nice collection!

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

Superb collection, a few are rare to find now-a-days.

My Eat-out at Sinhagad